Привет сейчас новые монстры, это мутировшее существо бегун 2 версия они одного типа. Это где мутировшее существо обитают водно-болотные угодья. Мутировшие грибы, яма, растение наверху где лес, и новый босс мутировшее растение. И новые иллюстрации анимации, собаки, мутировшее существо, щупальце и пауки. Это все что есть на данный момент но сейчас вышел новое обновление я ещё не знаю куда ещё пройти.
Still working on it~ You can check the progress in my Discord server, i post devlog and announcements for community polls or opinions there too, oh also dev stream sometimes =]
How muck intimacy needed to peek and everything? And I dragged the mod, like the whole thing inside the game folder but nothing change. Should I rerun the game?
So in 0.3 Alpha, I didn't include the peeking yet, it'll be on beta test ;]
As for the mod, make sure it shows on the mod tab on the option menu then once you finished the whole alpha story, there'll be a wardrobe button, you can click that to add and remove the clothing pack in the wardrobe
(keep in mind that is still experimental, it might cause another error and bugs, Thank you for trying the game! ^^)
Thank for answering. For the mod, where exactly do I put the mod folder in? And there’s another bug, maybe it’s just me, but when I collect things from outside, the game crash, saying something about not finding the picture.
I would really like to have more choices when interacting with your co-worker. maybe have a choice where you don't tell her about Millie, and she gets progressively more suspicious of you.
Glad you liked the early access Bruh372 ! ^^ I'm still working and polishing for the 0.3 update, if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me!
It's not a Loli either, she's just being shortie =]
And if it's considered a "Little/underaged girl" and not a "Short girl" or Patreon warns me, I'll increase her height but still maintain the short posture (this is due to her lore 😔)
other than that, I'm not sure... but please do tell me what else is considered illegal! Cheers!
Long story short, Patreon is shit. Because of their BS, alternatives such as Subscribe star and BuyMeACoffee are needed. There's more alternatives to fund a game and I wish more devs used them instead of censoring their games for the likes of Patreon.
There has been numerous controversies from Patreon due to them censoring and terminating game devs and artists. Many starting using Subscribe Star due to Patreon.
There's also Ko-Fi and Boosty one can use. I'm sure there's more out there.
It's already been an issue (scroll down the comment section, and you'll find it) Don't worry, 0.3 is a complete overhaul, so you didn't miss anything! ^^
My rough guess is around April or May, mostly on fixing the codes, implementing the hidden features from the alpha release, and last but not least, doing the rest of the scenes and animations + SFX and music.
I post the devlog on my discord server to spoil what I've changed/added to the game xD
Thank you for your patience and support! ^^ Cheers!
After receiving a lot of feedback and suggestions from the ALPHA 0.3 release, I'm taking it slow now to make sure that I'm not missing a simple coding line (which was the case in the alpha release) and not burning myself out! =3
This may take some more time for me to fix and develop the rest of the features! Cheers!
I think you'll find inspiration by the works of Hasimo H. His stuff is on DSlite, though you can find his games translated elsewhere. It has that Imouto monochrome aesthetic to it.
It would help the process if any of you fans would support the dev in any way you can. A little word of mouth of this game to other places can help draw in more fans to fund it. I develop games too so i know it can be tougher than most realize.
Thanks NC131 for the better version of imouto life: monochrome! I loved the original game, but sadly the dev retired from the western market and only makes games and arts for his japanese fans.
Really? Aww... that's unfortunate. I will do my best for this full update 0.3 release, I'm taking it slow so I don't get burned out and miss some of the codes that would cause an error or bug in the game (just like in Alpha 0.3 release xD)
Give me a break! You make me go all that text, don't allow me to save at any point, then introduce a QTE that kills the player and send them back to the main menu. Then get me to go through all that text again? This kind of design show a striking lack of respect for the player's time...
I expect more nonsense like that down the line. Why would there not be more time waster? So, gonna give this a hard pass.
I do get it, it's still on prototype after all... and you can also skip the prologue for now, since I'm still reworking the game and learning about coding... I reworked the prologue and the whole game story in this 0.3 update, so you didn't miss anything.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience the game has caused you 🙏
It wasn't an inconvenience at all, I don't require this game to do groceries or any other daily task. There are some decisions made with game design that are at the level of cardinal sin, stuff you should really never do unless a there is very good reason.
It really is just about how the game gets presented. In the first few hours of the game is where you teach the game mechanics to the player (i.e. how to interract with it). Skipping the prologue, to me, is akin to skipping the tutorial. I'm a new player, I need to know how things goes. So good point for having the ability to skip it, but if it isn't a tutorial then why does it even exists? Bad point for killing the player during a timed event.
Generally speaking, when a game waste my time with unskippable cutscenes or an unskippable intro movie, or killing my character without saving prior to the event, then I put the game in the "maybe" pile and move on.
calm down dude, some things aren't going to be to your likings, when i first played it, i had the same reaction when i died, i almost wrote the game off for being unpolished, then i got past it and played the actual game
in 0.2 prologue is not a tutorial, it's just a story to explain how you met Millie~ And the tutorial screen will appear once you get to the point where the player is going to be introduced to the mechanic of the game =]
And for the last opinion, the unskippable cutscene and other stuff are already implemented in the 0.3 updates (including the autosave feature before the battle or quick time event)
So yeah, I'm so sorry for this prototype version, hope you can check out the 0.3 later and give me more of your feedback!
Valid criticism but some thinga may nred to be polished and hope the dev fixes it its just an alone indie dev so pretty much can be refuted with some sheer amount of patient
After playing the game it's pretty fun and i enjoyed it to be honest hope you're game will get more popular!
Also there's this part of me that just goes "i don't wish to be horny anymore i just want to be happy" too much pervy content to what i have been exposed too now i need something to heal my pervy mind lol
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When is nsfw content expected to be added? The game has a lot of potential, I love the style, but there are no h-scenes yet
No H-Scenes Yet since I'm still learning how to draw and making my art style, but you'll see once the 0.3 update dropped ;]
oh cool, I look forward to it
The part when Millie takes shower is nsfw. But yeah
yeah, I just want more, I like the game
Will there be any sex related toys in this game? Also, with the different types of apartments will there be sex themed related apartment at all?
I'm currently working on the story as I'm envisioning it! if it aligns, then it might be added in a future update.
Why is the file here says 0.2 early access? Does that mean you haven’t completed 0.2 or you just don’t post it
Which file?
The file on this game’s web. This one.
Привет сейчас новые монстры, это мутировшее существо бегун 2 версия они одного типа. Это где мутировшее существо обитают водно-болотные угодья. Мутировшие грибы, яма, растение наверху где лес, и новый босс мутировшее растение. И новые иллюстрации анимации, собаки, мутировшее существо, щупальце и пауки. Это все что есть на данный момент но сейчас вышел новое обновление я ещё не знаю куда ещё пройти.
Why did you comment on this comment and not the one on syahata? Anyway, thank you.
Oh yeah, I will update this game page once 0.3 is publicly released
new update when
Still working on it~
You can check the progress in my Discord server, i post devlog and announcements for community polls or opinions there too, oh also dev stream sometimes =]
How muck intimacy needed to peek and everything? And I dragged the mod, like the whole thing inside the game folder but nothing change. Should I rerun the game?
So in 0.3 Alpha, I didn't include the peeking yet, it'll be on beta test ;]
As for the mod, make sure it shows on the mod tab on the option menu
then once you finished the whole alpha story, there'll be a wardrobe button, you can click that to add and remove the clothing pack in the wardrobe
(keep in mind that is still experimental, it might cause another error and bugs, Thank you for trying the game! ^^)
Thank for answering. For the mod, where exactly do I put the mod folder in? And there’s another bug, maybe it’s just me, but when I collect things from outside, the game crash, saying something about not finding the picture.
Please drop the error log on my discord server! so I can check the issue~
and as for the mod, just simply drop it on the game folder (its written on the notepad in the zip folder)
Interesting game. Will you color it?
Only the character will be colored =]
I was not expecting to like it as much as I did. Looking forward to seeing how the game develops
I'm happy to hear that you liked the early access rekreator12e!
if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me!
I would really like to have more choices when interacting with your co-worker. maybe have a choice where you don't tell her about Millie, and she gets progressively more suspicious of you.
also an economy rebalance
Uuuu Interesting!
As for the economy, it's being rebalanced in this 0.3 =]
Thanks for the suggestion!
Seriously. This is one of the best games I have ever played. Looking forward to V0.3 official release!
Glad you liked the early access Bruh372 ! ^^
I'm still working and polishing for the 0.3 update, if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me!
When the 0.3 android will come out? Im sad :(
The beta test will include Android version =]
i just need more time to work on the game while polishing it!
As far as I understood, you can't dodge left on your phone at all, right?
If there's no head pat I'll be completely disappointed. Also lewd hand holding? Man only I could dream
head pat is always there =3
hand holding? omg... I might get banned by Patreon for that! but I'm actually breaking the rule ;]
Can you make your own character in this or no? It didnt mention the gender you play as
You play as a male and no, its not your own character =]
aw... that's disappointing
Isn't this the kind of thing Patreon considers illegal?
I ask because I don't want to risk spending money on something that Patreon will shut down in a couple of months.
It's not a Loli either, she's just being shortie =]
And if it's considered a "Little/underaged girl" and not a "Short girl" or Patreon warns me, I'll increase her height but still maintain the short posture (this is due to her lore 😔)
other than that, I'm not sure... but please do tell me what else is considered illegal!
Long story short, Patreon is shit. Because of their BS, alternatives such as Subscribe star and BuyMeACoffee are needed. There's more alternatives to fund a game and I wish more devs used them instead of censoring their games for the likes of Patreon.
Oooo, I see the reason now...
Thanks for the alternatives! I will see if I must use the alternative later because of that issue! ^^
There has been numerous controversies from Patreon due to them censoring and terminating game devs and artists. Many starting using Subscribe Star due to Patreon.
There's also Ko-Fi and Boosty one can use. I'm sure there's more out there.
we need alot update soon! your game is great!
Thank youu Hann26! ^^
Update 0.3 is still in the works! it's a game overhaul~
Glad you like it so far han!
So in the prologue it says I should press the arrow key to dodge but I'm on mobile and I can't dodge
It's already been an issue (scroll down the comment section, and you'll find it)
Don't worry, 0.3 is a complete overhaul, so you didn't miss anything! ^^
I have a question is there an exact date or a slightly accurate guess on when will you be able to release the update?
My rough guess is around April or May, mostly on fixing the codes, implementing the hidden features from the alpha release, and last but not least, doing the rest of the scenes and animations + SFX and music.
I post the devlog on my discord server
to spoil what I've changed/added to the game xD
Thank you for your patience and support! ^^Cheers!
Not to be rude but when will the game release fully
The dev is currently working on the 0.3 which will take a while but I hope it would get released on some time
Heya Shrek69420inyobutt!
Yes, just like SmugWeeb said! ^^
After receiving a lot of feedback and suggestions from the ALPHA 0.3 release, I'm taking it slow now to make sure that I'm not missing a simple coding line (which was the case in the alpha release) and not burning myself out! =3
This may take some more time for me to fix and develop the rest of the features!
cool no problem 😊
YES just take you're time you're mentality is needed for this game so enjoy making it!
I think you'll find inspiration by the works of Hasimo H. His stuff is on DSlite, though you can find his games translated elsewhere. It has that Imouto monochrome aesthetic to it.

OOooo that looks good yeah! Thanks for the recommendation Rebel 357 ^^
But now, I'm getting my own spin on the game~ Trying to get my own vibe you know ;]
It would help the process if any of you fans would support the dev in any way you can. A little word of mouth of this game to other places can help draw in more fans to fund it. I develop games too so i know it can be tougher than most realize.
Thanks NC131 for the better version of imouto life: monochrome! I loved the original game, but sadly the dev retired from the western market and only makes games and arts for his japanese fans.
Really? Aww... that's unfortunate.
I will do my best for this full update 0.3 release, I'm taking it slow so I don't get burned out and miss some of the codes that would cause an error or bug in the game (just like in Alpha 0.3 release xD)
glad you like it so far Idk! ^^
Surprisingly fun, good artstyle too.
Glad to see the fandom growing more and more didn't expect it to be so active
I'm thankful to everyone humble on the server and shared their thoughts and vibe with the rest of Viellcians! ^^
How to make Millie interested?
I was getting a bug where Millie repeatedly asks for you to take a shower with her in 0.2
i think you meant by 0.3 ALPHA Preview
and yes, I already got the report ^^
give me your feedback about the game too~
When is the public released planned?
The alpha preview already public! ^^
if you purchased the game on itch.io. How is possible to buy it ? I don't see price. Is possible pay lets say 20 euro to get updates before public ?
If you pay around the same as the Patreon pledge then yes!
any amount is accepted! and you will get Donator role in the server~
If you want to support this dev and his/her work. Promote this game on social media for it to draw in more fans and support.
Examples of other places to promote it on:
The imageboards for example is how I found out about another recent game that quickly drew in fan art and aided in it's popularity.
Thank you so much Rebel 357! ^^
How am I waiting for version 0.3. Quite an interesting game and I wonder what will be new in the new version
it should drop today for patreons, its in a dev post
I'll be waiting for her to show up here.
Expect the alpha release post soon!
Im so excited to play ver 0.3
Same ! ^^
How Long This Update?
If you mean the 0.3 alpha test release then real soon! ^^
i mean how long gonna release the update v0.3?
this game is so entertaining i always come back to this page to check if there's a new update
I'm glad you liked the 0.2 so far bw_enterprises! ^^
I'm working every day to release the alpha version of 0.3 right now, expect it soon~
game is amazing, kinda reminds me of the imouto games by inusuku
Thank you LaziestAlien ^^
And yes, at first, the gameplay was inspired by Imouto, but now I'm working on my own spin~
Thanks, im looking forward to future updates
I can provide Chinese translation, please contact me.
Thank you for the offer mobi_454734 ^^
Great game 🗿
Thank you for playing the early access 0.2 Cavbit ! ^^
I'm doing my best for this update 0.3 update, glad you liked it so far!
You're game is so good. But how to increase Interest btw...
Make sure SFW is on in the options!
and thank you for playing the prototype version KenGZa07! ^
Oh thanks!! You're the best ❤️
"I don't remember this happening."
Give me a break! You make me go all that text, don't allow me to save at any point, then introduce a QTE that kills the player and send them back to the main menu. Then get me to go through all that text again? This kind of design show a striking lack of respect for the player's time...
I expect more nonsense like that down the line. Why would there not be more time waster? So, gonna give this a hard pass.
Sorry about that bicobus 😔
I do get it, it's still on prototype after all... and you can also skip the prologue for now, since I'm still reworking the game and learning about coding...
I reworked the prologue and the whole game story in this 0.3 update, so you didn't miss anything.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience the game has caused you 🙏
It wasn't an inconvenience at all, I don't require this game to do groceries or any other daily task. There are some decisions made with game design that are at the level of cardinal sin, stuff you should really never do unless a there is very good reason.
It really is just about how the game gets presented. In the first few hours of the game is where you teach the game mechanics to the player (i.e. how to interract with it). Skipping the prologue, to me, is akin to skipping the tutorial. I'm a new player, I need to know how things goes. So good point for having the ability to skip it, but if it isn't a tutorial then why does it even exists? Bad point for killing the player during a timed event.
Generally speaking, when a game waste my time with unskippable cutscenes or an unskippable intro movie, or killing my character without saving prior to the event, then I put the game in the "maybe" pile and move on.
calm down dude, some things aren't going to be to your likings, when i first played it, i had the same reaction when i died, i almost wrote the game off for being unpolished, then i got past it and played the actual game
Don't worry Anotherboringthrowaway ^^
It's a critique, and I'm open to that!
Developing something needs error and trial in order for it to improve no?
Well yeah but surely this level of criticism is a bit uncalled for.
His reaction is uncalled for. People like him are the reason why games in their early stage should have reviews turned off.
Wouldn't be surprising if he gave the game that's obviously in it's early stages a one star review
Hey it's okay Lord Voldy ^^
I don't mind the 1-star review, as long they tell me the issue of the game or give feedback about the game~
That way I can learn from past mistakes!
Thank you for the feedback bicobus! ^^
in 0.2 prologue is not a tutorial, it's just a story to explain how you met Millie~
And the tutorial screen will appear once you get to the point where the player is going to be introduced to the mechanic of the game =]
And for the last opinion, the unskippable cutscene and other stuff are already implemented in the 0.3 updates (including the autosave feature before the battle or quick time event)
So yeah, I'm so sorry for this prototype version, hope you can check out the 0.3 later and give me more of your feedback!
I appreciate your honesty! ^^ Cheers!
Valid criticism but some thinga may nred to be polished and hope the dev fixes it its just an alone indie dev so pretty much can be refuted with some sheer amount of patient
After playing the game it's pretty fun and i enjoyed it to be honest hope you're game will get more popular!
Also there's this part of me that just goes "i don't wish to be horny anymore i just want to be happy" too much pervy content to what i have been exposed too now i need something to heal my pervy mind lol
I'm so glad you liked the early access @SmugWeeb! ^^
I'm expanding the story even more now~
Hope the story will replace the pervy mind with something more positive in the 0.3 update!
Almost =3
The sisyphus is almost there.
I found the game and loved it and have to say it's a masterpiece that's a lot of fun.
I played it in the sfw version and will definitely buy the 0.3 version even if it's for free.
Very big compliment to the creator of this pearl ❤️
Thank you so much @Lurchy 666!
I'm really glad you liked the prototype so far!
wait for the 1st-anniversary post for 0.3 information! ^^
when will ver0.3 be release? Im so excited to play ver 0.3
Wait for the 1st anniversary post for that information ;]
I will wait that comrade i hope ver0.3 will release this december keep up😁